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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Review: The Story Of Us

The Story of Us - Deb Caletti

I love me a good love story. But this story I felt hard to connect too. I couldn’t quite grasp Cricket or her way of thinking.


Plot: This is about a girl named Cricket who is trying to figure out what love is. She is unsure what love is or unsure if she could love someone. Being hurt in her past, Cricket thinks a lot. I think sometimes too much. Like she over analyzes things instead of taking it for what it is. She finds it hard to trust and well, it forces her to run away. The plot has a lot of things going on. There is the impending wedding, her family moving, dealing with new step-siblings, and of course, Cricket thinking of her first love.


Love/Friendship: The main reason I had such a hard time liking Cricket is that, she couldn’t see what was right in her face. Like, she saw it, but she couldn’t believe it. So she question it. Even though the reader doesn’t get a perfect picture of her first love, by the way she describes him you can tell that this guy loves her. He was there for her in a way that no one wasn’t. And then there is Asher. I really felt like this guy was just a filler. He was there at the right time and right place. Is he for Cricket? I don’t think so, but Cricket does. I really dislike her bouncing of feelings going on here.


Ending: The ending I was disappointed in. I was hoping that Cricket would make a decisions but she just left things weird. She wrote lots of letters to her first love yet she was with the other guy. I just don’t get it.


Overall, this book is okay. I think I would have enjoyed the book a bit more had I been able to make a better emotional connection to Cricket. I felt like her actions weren’t really justified to anything else. I just couldn’t understand her.

Source: http://www.bookswithbite.net