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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Review: Forgiven

Forgiven - Janet Fox

Given that I like the first book very much, I thought I pick up this one and see how it went.


Plot: This story follows Kula who is thrown in some troubles of the past. Her dad is accused of murder and there is not much time to save him. He gives her clues to follow and it leads her to a path she didn’t think she be on. I liked this plot. It is filled with much drama and action. Kula’s life has been hard as well. She is struggling with so much. To see her come into her own, was done well.


Love: Kula has done nothing but what others had told her. It good to see her make her own designs and of course follow her own heart. I think the guy who steals her heart knows her better than she knows herself.


Ending: The ending is bittersweet. Kula is getting what she dreamed of but at a cost. I was hoping for more of a happy ending but when you live in times like these, I can see why it was the way it was.


Overall, this is great companion story. The emotions that came from Kula and her thoughts matched perfectly. And of course the time period and the wonderfully writing only kept me deeper in the story. Forgiven is awesome!

Source: http://www.bookswithbite.net