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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Review: The Infinite Moment Of US

The Infinite Moment of Us - Lauren Myracle

When I picked up this book, I honestly thought I was in for a mushy romantic story. That is not the case. Instead, this book is further than love.


Plot: Two seniors getting ready to graduate find each other in what is supposed to be the best moments of their lives. This plot starts off slow then begins to moves fast with drama in the family and drama between friends. It riled up my emotions enough to make me put the book down since so much was coming at me at one time. I didn't particularly like the decisions the characters were making.


Love: I really think that this love is all about getting your priorities straight. You see, I've been in this kind of relationship. Where the guy is ALWAYS picking up after someone else's mess. At first, it's noble and nice, but after awhile it gets old and tiring. So being in Wren's shoes is something familiar to me.  I get her feelings. And when that guy is always going after to help someone else... well you can't help but think what if there is something between them, it drives you crazy. Charlie is struggling as well. He wants to be with Wren but he is too soft. He can't say no and trusts the wrong people. He has one of those moments where he has to think what HE wants to do and not what everyone else wants.


Drama/Ending: After all the crazy back and forth drama between Charlie and Wren, decisions are FINALLY made! I'm happy with the way that it ended, just not happy that I got dragged through all of the unnecessary drama had someone set their priorities straight. If you truly love someone, then you will stop letting other people control your actions.


This story is one that is not easy. The reader is faced with lots of emotional drama and decisions that in the end will affect the outcome of relationship. Lies and half-told truths do not make for a good relationship. The Infinite Moment Of Us is painful romance that must fight for its love. It all boils down to what you want. The Infinite Moment Of Us is good.

Source: http://www.bookswithbite.net