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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Torrent (River of Time)

Torrent - Lisa Tawn Bergren I can't even begin to say how much I love this series!! I sat down to read this book and I don't think I ever wanted to come back. I loved the way Ms. Bergren wrote this book. She added such great elements and many surprises that had me gasping for my dear life!First off, the story line and plot pacing is amazing! The story line picks up right where it left off and you are off to another world. With new elements, Ms. Bergren sweeps the reader off their feet before I can even finish the first page. I love that the plot pacing is perfect. Everything is handed to the reader little by little, that that the reader can feel and read all the characters emotions.OMG! Lord Greco! Have I told you how Ms. Bergen is able to create such wonderful and HOT characters? This guy left my heart racing and swooning! I feel immediately for this guy. I mean, who wouldn't. Let's just say that the love interest gets hotter and better. I adore that Ms. Bergren wrote the characters so unique yet fulfilling. They all had they own destinies, their own paths that each one must follow.What makes me love this story even more is that, that it is just a great story. It's clean, fun, action-filled and something that I can read over and over again. It has an enduring love in it, faith, and so many Italian hotties that I can't even keep count. This is one amazing story and a awesome writer. Torrent is a must read! The River of Time series is a must read! You must read all of them. I can tell you that you will fall in love and never look back!