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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Parallel (Travelers, #1)

Parallel (Travelers, #1) - Claudia Lefeve What I like most about this story is the plot line. Ms. Lefeve did one heck of a job keeping me entertained but also keeping me at bay from answers till the end. She had me hooked and desperate! I have never wanted to finish a book so fast just to get to the end already! I loved that she kept the reader wrapped up in the mysteriousness of the book. Pieces of information were drop, only to find myself desperate for more.The characters were also great! I loved that they grew right before the readers eye but not too much either. It left room for the characters to continue growing in the next book. The characters came to where they needed to be in order to go where they need to go next.Now, the love interest. *sigh* This is what had me so desperate! I was dying towards the end of the book and was filled with absolute joy when I read the last sentence. Cause, I KNEW IT! Seriously Ms. Lefeve, you are brilliant. Nice ending.This book did it job on not only capturing me, but now has me begging the author for the next book now please? I love the way everything is weaved together yet apart. Please take my word for it and read it.