Let me begin by saying that I really liked this book. It's had a good plot that kept me intrigued and hooked till the end. Still, I felt like there was that missing, "umph" in the book.You get me? Now, lets talk about this banging plot. I like it. I mean, I really like it!! This is one of those books that has a fresh plot that I never read before. Usually plots are all the same and over done. Not this one. Instead, it's inviting. After the first chapter, I was intrigued to keep reading. I enjoyed how the author slowly build-up the mysteriousness of the story. I am a person who loves secrets and loves it when the main character is out of the loop as well. For me, it makes it more enjoyable to see the surprise in the characters face knowing that I knew all along. Hehe!The love interest is awesome. I love a tall, dark, handsome man who is secretive left and right. That is my calling card right there. I could do nothing but follow Daniel to the ends of the earth just to know exactly who he is and what he is hiding. The main thing you need to know is that I am totally smitten with Daniel.Now, the gripe. The only thing I felt I couldn't really grasp is that there is so much being thrown at the reader at once. For me, this author gave away too much information instead of withholding it and spreading it through out the series. Sometimes, it felt as if it was too much. It was," WHAM! BAM! WOW!" You know? I think it would have captured the reader more if there wasn't so much going on. Anywhoo, that just how I feel. Maybe you like that type of writing style.Sovereign Hope is a great book! With a whole new aspect to souls and dimensions, I was taken away with it. It's gritty and dark, yet it holds the reader with much intensity. Sovereign Hope is exciting and with a bigger plot that I ever could imagine.