I found myself in amazement after reading this book. I had flew through it so quickly, that I hadn't even realized it! Now, that is some awesome writing! One thing I enjoyed about this book is getting to see everything from Lia's point of view. In this book, you don't really see things from Alice's side. Though the reader is still caught up with what Alice is doing from Lia. This book picked up right where is left off and threw you into one amazing story!The plot line of this book is great! I loved watching Lia travel, and make some major life changing ideas. She learns more from a other she meets along the way. I like how strong Lia turned out to be. In the beginning, Lia is weak and how no understanding of what is really happening. In this book her ignorance is gone and she is someone new.The love interest in this story caught me by surprise. (Lately books have been doing that to me) I was sure that Lia, still admired James, but the new guy does catch my eye. He is completely opposite of James and for me, definitely catches my heart.I am on to the third and final book and can't wait to see how it ends. This book has loads of actions, love, and more traveling with secrets revealing itself left and right! If you have not started this series you should. It has amazing writing that makes you flow through the book really fast! Plus, there's a new hottie. I like him! LOL!