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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Review: A New Darkness

A New Darkness - Joseph Delaney

read this book because I have always been fascinated with the seventh son of a seventh son. I remember watching a few movies regarding this scenario that I really wanted to give it a try. I also enjoy fantasy, so this book was definitely for me.

Plot: This is about an apprentice to begins to apprentice a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter. Because of her heritage, she had powers. The apprenticeship is quite detailed so the reader can get into the story rather quickly. If you enjoy all things witches, spooks, magic then you will really enjoy this story.

Tom/Jenny: I have to say that one aspect I really enjoy was their relationship. At first, Tom is really mean and even blows off Jenny as nothing. Jenny is a strong willed girl, fighting her way to an apprenticeships. When she wants something she goes after it. I rooted for her because I loved her determination to make something of herself when others, including Tom, told her she couldn’t. Tom is nice guy who I think can learn a lot from Jenny. Well, they can both learn a lot from each other. They have a very good and open friendship but I am hoping that maybe something more will happen between them. They do get into each other faces a lot and it would be neat to see they confront their feelings.

Ending: The ending is quite good and leaves the door open for plenty of more adventures. I can’t wait to see where the story goes to next.

A New Darkness entales a great adventure of fantasy and magic. Nicely written, A New Darkness is great.