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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Review: Snow Like Ashes

Snow Like Ashes - Sara Raasch

This book. This story. This beautiful adventure that sucked me into a world that I never want to leave. It’s pure genius.

Plot: Who here is a fan of Frozen (the disney movie)? *Raises hand* Well I can assure you that if you love that movie, your going to enjoy reading this story 10 times more. First off, the plot resonates with the reader cause we are introduce to this girl who is strong, brave and courageous. She pushes herself to the limit and doesn’t take no for an answer. When given a no, she pushes others of their limits just to get answers. The story also carries a deep history that makes the reader yearn for more. Bit by bit is revealed chapter by chapter and by George it is brilliant!!

Love/Friendship: This part is pretty much revealed in the beginning but doesn’t really take off due to unforeseen circumstances. But it continues to grow into this love that you just want to know more of. They had a deep seeded friendship since childhood so it plays out the perfect part of those who love friends to be more.

Ending: The mother load. This section of book had my heart RACING! Seriously. I was so shocked but what was revealed at the end, that even though I was mere pages away to the end, I did not want to finish! There was no way the book could have such an ending without many drastic measures being taken. It was insane, unreal and left me breathless.

Do yourself a favor and pre-order this book NOW! ASAP! Add it to Goodreads cause believe me you will not want to miss it.  A magical tale that is solid yet entertaining, Snow Like Ashes achieves what other books can not…a story that is not some knockoff but true to its world.  Packaged beautifully surrounded by seasons, war, and a lost queen, Snow Like Ashes is a smashing debut.

Source: http://www.bookswithbite.net