My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite. Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!
One thing I always enjoyed reading as a kid was those choose your own adventure stories. I remember always going to my library and asking for more. Well, I found this one and could not resist picking it up.
Plot: The great thing about this book is that is can go many ways. And you choose the direction. All the paths are in summer time, so the reader gets this great summer romance. There are 13 guys who you can end up with so I’m pretty sure any reader can find their match.
Did I find my match? Of course! With the hottie lifeguard named J.R. I basically chose what I would say or do. And ended up pretty happy with the outcome. I do plan on re-reading this story and choosing other options. That is the great things about this book. You can have many more different outcome with What if? Like what If I flirted back? What if I went and the met the guy? SO many options and its a pretty quick read too.
Go read this is you are looking for a different summer read. And read it more than once! You never know what will happened!!