My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite. Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!
Since reading The Lipstick Apology, I thought I give her second novel a try. I had a delightful time reading this story and enjoying the characters find love.
Plot: This is about a girl who leaves her childhood friend behind after she has to move. But before she moves, she hypnotizes him into being her friend forever. Years later, she is moving back into town and in log with him. Problem? He just wants to be friends. I really love the idea of story. Two friends staying friends over years and falling in love. The little aspect of hypnotizing him and others around her, give the story a bit of supernatural drama.
Friendship: If you love friendships that carry history and develop over time, than this is the story for you. The friendships had its up and downs.When developing into love, they both dance around their feelings. They fought and dated other people just to make the other person jealous. Of course when you use others its bound to came back to you.
Hypnotizes: I never read a book that has hypnotizing in it. I have to admit that this is a very interesting aspect of the book. At first, Willow uses hypnotizing to help others, soon she started to use it for her own use. Things got crazy with the hypnotizing went to far. It’s a good thing that Willow has an amazing mother who was there for it all.
Overall, this is great story of finding love where it was all along. Crush Control is sure to please the reader with a developing love that is amazing.