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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Vanish (Firelight Series)

Vanish: A Firelight Novel - Sophie Jordan I loved this book! Loved it so much that as soon as I got it to read on my e-reader I flew through it fast! So fast, that I sad at the end. I did not want to start this book and have it end. I wanted more. I will beg for more!!!The plot line of this book is intense! Really intense that I had to sit up the entire while reading this. I could not relax. It is the tension of the book. The action. The characters. Everything that Ms. Jordan wrote is dynamic and SWEET! As the reader, you are immediately thrown in the chaos of the Hunters and the Draki. Jacinda, I love this girl. Even when things got dark, she held her head high. She fought back silently, just wanting for her moment to pounce! The characters of this book are growing up fast. There are some major changes with some characters that I gasped a lot. I loved that Ms. Jordan surprised me with certain characters. She weaved the characters so carefully, that I did not see the betrayal till it was right in front of me. That, is amazing. That is what I call some amazing writing right there.The love interest in this book is not what I was expecting either. It had it ups and down, but in the end she pretty much made her decision. I won't tell you who it is but OMG, it's good.So can I get a WHOOP WHOOP! This book its great and I was honored to read it! Super exciting, fast paced, with amazing story line, you want this book. It is a must read. A fantastic sequel, it will not disappoint you!