My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite. Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!
To be honest, I picked this book up during my whole vampire obsessed phase. It sat on my shelf after the phase ended and while digging through my book pile, I found it. I remembered why i picked it up. The title. Confessions. I wanted to know what confessions. So I dived in.
Plot: What you should first know is that this book carries two small stories. The first is called “Got Fangs?” and this story is the beginning of Ben and Fran. They met unexpectedly and before you know, their lives are changed. Then there is,”Circus Of The Darned” and this is a second short story of Ben and Fran, on solving a mystery/adventure. Both stories are short due to the fact that these stories lead up the the adult novel, In The Company Of Vampires. From reading both stories and finishing them pretty quickly I can tell you that I’m definitely interested in reading the adult book cause I want to know how it ends.
Ben/Fran: Their relationship begins rocky. Fran is taken back by Ben and does not like the fact that she is his,”beloved.” She wants to be a teen and live her life. Which I can totally understand. Still, they became great friends.
Ending: I think Ben and Frans stories does cut off short which is why I’m tempted to read the adult novel. I want to know that they end well and together.
This is good book. I really getting to know these characters and hoping can read their final adventure soon. Confessions Of A Vampire’s Girlfriend is great.
This is one author that I know I can expect great stories from. Unique and exciting, this story gave me thrills!
Plot: This is about a girl who comes from a lines of oracles. She has been taught to not fall in any of premonitions and to ignore all possibilities of changing the future. But what if that is wrong? What if you can change the future with the help of someone who can amplify your powers? I found this plot extremely enticing. Every turn of the chapter lead to the plot thickening and man I knew the ending was going to be sweet. The plot also unravels nicely along with the past. Charlotte has been told,”don’t do this and don’t do that.” Taking that first step into rebellion, makes the plots even more fun to read.
Friendships: Because Charlotte is an oracle she doesn’t have many friend. In the story she does befriend a guy who becomes more to her throughout the story. I enjoy their friendships as it did develop pretty quickly. But I can see it developing fast since Charlotte has no idea how to handle it all. It was like she was sneaking around, using her powers and this boy just falls into her lap. Watching her be someone who is not caged in gives the reader the insight of who Charlotte really is.
Ending: Remember how I said the ending would be sweet? Well it is! I love how the author did a great job tying things up at the end. It meshed nicely with the past and brought in a few minor characters (who I didn’t think it would be) to light. It was like, the whole picture clicked nicely together for me to see and acknowledge with a gasp. Awesome.
This is a great book! It has great adventure and mystery to it that will keep you entertained till the end. Sleep No More is an enchanting tale.
This story totally reminds of the movie 21. It follow the similar line except without the whole teamwork aspect.
Plot: This is about a girl who is taking matters into her own hands. Young and smart, Shannon needs money for college. After taking a job, she discovers someone who can help her make more money than she ever in thought…in gambling. I found this story particular interesting because it feels exciting knowing that a groups has a game plan to win money. The plot moves fairly quickly after the initial gambling starts and the real fun begins.
Love/Friendships: I have to say that this part disappointed me a little. Of course Shannon wold fall for the top notch gambler and not the guy right in front of her. I felt like she juggled both relationships backwards. She used her friend for cover stories and stuff and was an idiot around the other guy. Luckily for her, she got brains and began to use them. Things change and I felt like it was okay afterwards.
Ending: After all the secrecy, Shannon learns some secrets and finally gets her heard on straight. And despite all the illegal stuff she did, she managed to get out okay. I think it ended on an okay note. It was something that I expected.
Overall, this is a good book. I really enjoyed the rush of gambling at the table and hiding it from others. I don’t think I ever had guts to do such a thing like that, but man those people are not only smart but wicked good at what they do. Aces Up is a fun exciting read!
I figured out why I love these authors books so much. It occurred to me while I was reading this, how all her characters work. I’m not talking about some everyday desk job but a job where their character is molded. They aren’t brought up spoiled brats but they work for themselves and their family. Now why would I be attracted to that? Well, if you ever heard of The Five Love Languages, then you should know that my love language is…can you guess? Acts Of Service. That means that I receive love when my hubby does something for me. Like, wash dishes, make dinner, etc. Basically, actions speak louder than words for me. Since her characters all have jobs and work hard for what they have, I ADORE IT!!
Plot: So in this story you have this girl named Gwen who is hard worker and very dedicated to her family. Even though she is young, she really is older than what she seems. The plot moves at a great pace allowing the reader to really immerse in the story. From the first few pages I knew that I was in for a treat.
Love/Friendships: This story all explores love in many forms as well as friendships. Gwen is caught up in the finances of her family and doing her best to pull her weight. She takes an extra job that will not only get her out of the house but also gives her some freedom. She meets Cassidy who is also working hard for the summer. Together they form a friendship that goes beyond what they think. I like that their love didn’t form right away but started off rocky. They bickered yet flirted with one another. And despite what is said, they help each other out.
Ending: This story carries once again a chaotic family and life. In the end, it is love that wins out. The summer breeze, the late night get togethers, the struggle to find your identity are all rolled up nicely for the reader to enjoy. What I Thought Was True is excellent.
I can’t believe this series is over. From the very first book I was hooked. And that it is over, I don’t want to say goodbye.
Plot: This story follows Anna and Kaiden and OMG!!! It’s AWESOME, AMAZING, SO WORTHY OF READING. YOU MUST GO READ IT NOW. This plot moves at steady pace giving the reader plenty of time for the reader to feel all the emotions of love, anger, fear and most of all the determination to fight!!
Love: *INSERT MAJOR SWOON HERE* You all, I can’t even begin to tell you how much my heart fluttered! I adored every piece of Anna and Kaiden’s relationship and loved how they endure to do things together. The played both of their parts perfectly, trusting one another till the end.
Ending: I’m a sad panda. It’s over and yet all I want to do is read the story all over again from start to finish. Listen, believe me when I say this story completely rocks!
Sweet Reckoning is an brilliant and well written story. A satisfying ending that will forever stay in my mind, Sweet Reckoning is simply amazing. I’m honored to have read this series and looked forward to reading other future works by this author.
This book is soo good, that half-way through, I had to go to the bathroom and held it till the next chapter. I literally ran to do my business, but I absolutely refused to put down this book.
Plot: This is about a girl who wakes up with amnesia. Her best friend is missing and everything that everyone needs to know is hidden inside Samantha's head. I honestly think this plot is set up so well that there is no one who won't like it. It not only captures the reader but totally engrosses them!
Mystery: One great aspect about this story is the mystery behind it. Samantha has no idea who she is but she is finding out. I like that they reader got to see who she is but also who she is now. I like that Samantha learned about herself and changed, (not that she had a choice) but she is better. Samantha learns about herself, along with the reader so you don't ever feel left out or confused.
Love: There is another part of the story I didm't think would show up since there is a lot of mystery. If anything, this part is the icing in the cake. I like that Samantha went along with her heart and not what everyone tells her.
Ending: I'm not going to say anything," HOLY CRAPOLA!?!" I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING AND IT TOALLY BLEW ME AWAY!!
Take my word for it and go read this book. It is a great mystery that will leave you gasping for air. Don't Look Back is freaking sweet!!
I love, love, love this author! I think she did a fantastic job in bringing a whole new twist to a classic tale.
Plot: This is about a girl who is cursed to sleep when a spell goes horribly wrong. Briar must fight this spell not only on her body but in her mind. I think that the way this story moved from the vagueness to knowing what is happening really help me enjoy the story more. The story is introduced with not much to go on but it leads a trail of crumbs to follow and you can’t help but eat every single one.
Friendship/Love: Because of this curse it has cause a feud between two families. In turn, both kids are suffering at the hands of the parents. I felt like this part of the story really gives the reader that rush. Two kids who grew up so closely to only be torn apart without any knowledge of what really happened. The parents kept the kids in the dark and made their lives…well miserable. When they finally came to know, they fought for each other. And I adore it. I loved them getting to know each other and forgetting everything else around them. It’s like, they didn’t care what their parents thought. They were saving each other no matter what.
Ending: Despite them fighting the curse, both Briar and her boyfriend must fight others as well…like their parents and themselves. They have been told not to talk to each other, not to do this or that, that they are constantly fighting a battle for their hearts and trust. In the end, despite all the went down, both set aside everything for love…and WON!
I adore this book. It simple swept me off my feet!! I just knew the minute I read the first chapter that I stepped into something different. Briar Rose carries a unique tale that plays out deep in the mind. One that is satisfying and awesome. Briar Rose rocks!
Okay, after reading several contemporary reads, I thought it was time for some sci-fi adventure!
Plot: This story is set in the future and it moves pretty fast. From chapter one it moves fast to lots of action and drama. I have to admit that since it did begin pretty fast it gave me a adrenaline rush. I yearned to know more of the world, of what her father was hiding, of who these friends or rather foes are.
Family/Friends: Tora is who heck of a gal. She has a lot of knowledge due to her father and is looking for peace. I like that Tora is strong and fierce. She doesn’t trust most people and watches people closely. In other words, I really liked this girl. She is one person who I would friend right away.
Ending: It shocked me. I thought about half-way through I knew what was happening and then, it changed. WOW, dude. Seriously, I did not expect that and I’m hoping that on the next book there is some explanation as to what exactly happened.
If you want a fast paced, futuristic read, check this book out. It will give you the epic fights, the fast running for your life and more of all an adventure in space. Burn Out is awesome.
I know this may sound strange but whenever I get attached to a series that I LOVE it can take me up to months to finish the last book. As soon as the book hits my hands I will leave it on the shelf with my stomach FULL of anxiety. Literally. My mind entertains the thought of just having the guts of picking up the book and reading it. Seriously, I avoided this book purposely. I love this series. I just couldn’t bear the thought of it ending. Not to mention I was super nervous.
Plot: This story picks up where the last book left off. Gwen has grown tremendously since the start of the series and is ready for a fight. This fight is one that has been brewing since the beginning so you can imagine how hard my heart was beating. The plot moved at a medium pace. Things would go slow and then speed up. At times, I thought, “This is it. The big show-down.” And then nothing. And then once it did hit the big fight I was totally unprepared for it! LOL!!
Friendship/Love: Even though in the beginning Gwen kept to herself, over the course of the series she has made some pretty great friends. These friends are loyal and some of the best friends you can find. Not to mention her hottie spartan boyfriend who makes me swoon every time he enters the page. *SWOON* In all seriousness, her friends and Spartan are awesome. They are her rock and keep her going.
Ending: The ending is so bittersweet yet it ended perfectly. Gwen has face her greatest opponent and came out on top. Though not without sacrifices. At first, I was scared but it turned out okay. *Glares at author for heart attacked given* (J/K) I love it. The ending is fitting. I’m sad that it is over.
This is an excellent series!! If you have not read it, you should. I honestly think this series is one of those “rare gems” that deserves more praise and promotion. In the midst of chaos, Killer Frost provides great action and entertainment. Gritty yet satisfying, Killer Frost is an enjoyable ride that you need to read.
I bought this book a while back and finally got time to read it. It began a little slow but once I got more to the meat of the story it grew on me.
Plot: This is about a boy, who is in a private all boys school, and a tragic incident has happen. Alex feels let down that he was not on time to save his friend. This plot did move slow in the beginning due to the author giving the reader lots of background information. Once you get more to the middle and more lies and truths began to come out, the story begins to paint a bigger picture of what actually happened.
Web Of lies: I didn’t think that guys can lie as well as girls. These guys made lies on top or more lies, they fought and brought other down faster than a quarterback on a Friday night. I mean, really these guys could give mean girls a run for their money. We all knows that lies can only cover for so long and then before you know it, the truth comes out.
Ending: I really liked how in the end, all is revealed. The author did a great job leading the reader piece by piece till the very end.
This is great book. Not only is it small but it really packs a punch. It’s one of those stories that sticks with the reader even after its finished. I thought about it for days. About the lies and about the truth. Paper Covers Rock is a great read.
Alright. I read another book that I had on my shelf for the longest time. And finally…I can say. YES! I adored it!
Plot: This story follows what has happening in the first two books, so if you haven’t read the series, go now and read it. So this plot moves pretty fast with Alona and Will. They got their everyday life down to a routine and it’s up to them to fix what is wrong. Alona and Will have come a long way. They figured out some pretty tricky stuff but also have grown a lot along the way.
Friendship/Love: I love how well these two have gotten to know one another. At first, they were on each other nerves and now, they need each other. They have learned to depend on one another and trust on another. Once I was getting more towards the end, my heart began to race more. I wanted them to find a way to be together but also to be at peace.
Ending: I think the ending is very fitting. Both Alona and Will have fought hard to get where they are at and to see them happy… its awesome!!
Overall, I adore this series. It has great growth from start to finish. Both characters have learn quite a bit about one another and despite them being so different, they fell in love. Body & Soul is great!
I finally picked up the book that everyone is raving about. And yes, it is good.
Plot: This story is told through letters written to dead people. I love the way these letters reveal a small part Laurel life’s. She writes to each person differently, capturing the reader with great imagination. The way she wrote her feelings, the way she questions actions, helps the reader become more in-tune with Laurel.
Friendship/Loss: Laurel goes through a lot. With each letter Laurel becomes better and learns to deal. Each letter is significant to the person she is writing to. For me, it felt like Laurel’s connection to each dead person makes it real. Towards the end, I adored Laurel and the way she dealt with grief.
Ending: I think this story deals with grief that any teen can connect to. It has music and it has soul. It touches the reader right in the heart.
Love Letters To The Dead is an effective tale of grief and lost. The elegant use of letters, steals the reader away. Love Letters To The Dead is awesome.
I finally picked up the next book. I read the last book and I really enjoyed it.
Plot: This story follows what happen after the last book. So I recommend that you read the first book. Vanessa is learning the truth behind her parents and her birth. The plot moves at a steady pace that gives the reader time to piece things together. There is plenty of drama created so the reader is always entertained if not by sirens then by secrets that Vanessa uncovers.
Love/Friendship: I’m so sad with the way it went down. In fact, I was so upset about their situation that I immediately bought the last book off of Amazon because I needed to know ASPA! I’m glad to inform you all that the book is in my hands and I do plan on finishing it soon.
Ending: The ending is bittersweet yet not the end. Many secrets are uncovered and more fights are to be fought. I know (and hope) that Vanessa can find the strength to fight back for what she lost.
Undercurrent is a great read that riles up the readers emotions. Be prepared to have your heart ripped out and stomped on. Strong and enjoyable, Undercurrent is great.
Another book I decided to pick up from my tbr pile because I remember how emotional it would be. Other bloggers that have read it, said it was good and truthful. After I read it, I have to say that they were right.
Plot: This is about a girl who meets a guy in a chatroom. He manipulates her and gets her to meet him. She goes missing for days. Now and days the internet is a very scary place. People would chat and meet up and who knows…you could end dead in a alley somewhere. This is that plot. That what if? What if the person you are talking to aren’t who they say they are? It’s scary.
Friendship: One thing about Abby is that she was very vulnerable to begin with. She has low self-esteem and didn’t really have much friends to keep her grounded. Instead, she search for love/friendship elsewhere hence her meeting “Luke” and thinking he is the one. Things quickly escalated from there and the next thing you know…she’s gone.
Disappearance: Despite that teens think they know it all, they don’t. The world is a much darker place than it was when I was a kid and well, the internet is even worse. You have to be careful with what you say and what you do on the internet.
This story has a very good lesson to be told. It carries a good message that I think all teens should read. It faces the reality of what could really happen should you fall for this trap. Want To Go Private? is a breathtaking tale that you won’t forget.
A fairy book. I hadn’t read a book that contained fairies or a world that has fairies in it so I picked up this book. Surprisingly, it held me interest more than what I thought.
Plot: This is about fairies who protect the royal line to protect their magic. They need their human line in order to stay alive. With technology gaining speed, fairies are dying out and need the royal line to survive. Unfortunately, some fairies don’t think otherwise. I really liked this plot. I like that it gave a good background to fairies and the royal line. I even liked the drama of protecting the royal line and why they had to do it.
Love/Friendship: This is the part that is iffy for me. The love interest felt like an ints a-love. One minute she meets him and the ext BAM! She can’t stay away from him. I really wanted more of a relationship (which did happen but more at the end.) For me, I think if the friendship built up a bit more slowly instead of the prince being a drunk, I would of liked it a bit more.
Emry: I admire this fairy. I adore her fierceness to protect her kind and the royal line. I like that she set aside everything for others and hardly thought of herself. In fact, I wanted her to think more of what she wanted then what everyone else wants. She has good gut instinct that lead her to where she needed to be.
Overall, this is well written fun read. It was a bit different than what I expected but that is good. It kept me on my toes. All That Glows carries a compelling storyline till the end. All That Glows is great.
Ya’ll. I did it. I finally finish this series. It was hard to finish it because I fell for the characters. I wanted them to be happy and content.
Plot: This story follows Jude and Lucy when they are finishing college. Things are happening upon them fast. Work opportunities and life all come crashing down and they have to make some big decisions. I like that this story still sticks with the old Jude and Lucy yet they have grown. It good to see them making decisions on their own yet together.
Love: This is the area that I was most nervous about. Jude getting a lifetime opportunity and Lucy trying to pre-sue her dance dreams, communication get sidelined. They start arguing and seeing things differently. And it worried me. I just wanted to scream, “WORK IT OUT!!” But they kept hiding secrets, not telling their feelings and before you know it…BAM! It all explodes.
Ending: I like the way it ended. They finally got their head on straight and starting thinking about each other instead of themselves. I like they the came back to the start in being friends.
I loved this ending. It gave the perfect HAPPILY EVER AFTER that I wanted. Soo good and happy to see things work out nicely of them both. Crush is awesome!