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Books With Bite

My name is Savannah and I’m the founder Books With Bite.  Books have always found a way to my heart with great literature and adventure. Though I may not be a teen, I wish I could be!

Here Lies Bridget

Here Lies Bridget (Harlequin Teen) - Paige Harbison You never know how much you affect someones life until you take walk in their shoes. And after being in limbo, that is what exactly Bridget is forced to do. To see the lives of people she has affected. And she is not happy with what she sees. Bridget has always had everything. With a rich daddy, being popular, and having cool parties is what all that life is about, right? Bridget is forced to see through someone else's eyes just how mean she is. How her words cut through people, how the people she thinks are her friends, aren't. And the people she treated badly were her only friends.I was glad that Bridget got stuck in limbo to see herself in her own ways. She did nothing but use, abuse and treat people badly. This book in a sense was a real eye opener. Bridget has no idea what she was doing. In her own mind, what she did was okay. Bridget was given a second chance to make things right with the people she wronged. I was glad to see that she saw the error of her ways and made things right.At this point I rooted for Bridget. In the end, Bridget learn a valuable lesson. She changed her ways and was able to go free without any regrets. I loved the ending. It is perfect.Ms. Harbison wrote a fantastic book. It was filled with great life lessons and well as great entertainment. The book also made me realize why I love to read so much. Because with great characters, you get to walk in other persons shoes and see their life for a few pages. Reading has taught me to look at other POV's and not just my own. If you do that, if you give it a chance, you have one great reading adventure.